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Should you be entering photography competitions?

The simple answer to this question is a big fat YES! I believe that every photographer no matter what their level or experience should be entering photography competitions on a regular basis.


Your probably wondering why I am so passionate about this, well here is a few reasons:



IAPP Photography Competition Certificate of Acceptance
IAPP Photography Competition Certificate of Acceptance

Get feedback on your work


Competitions are a great way to find out which of your images people like, and which ones they don’t.  If your entry makes it to the second round of judging or even becomes a runner up or winner of the competition, then you know your image is a keeper.


There are even some competitions that will provide all or select number of entries with written feedback from the judges.



Build your confidence


Once you start getting recognition through competitions, your confidence in your photography will instantly increase. You will feel and excitement and drive to take more photos.



Get your work out there


Even if you don’t win anything, competitions are still a great way to get people looking at your work. Maybe one of the judges really liked your work but the others didn’t, that’s still one new fan you gained.


Some competitions also allow the public to view all the entries made. Imagine how many people will see you work that wouldn’t normally.


Then if you do manage to win a competition, you will usually get an enormous amount of exposure within the photography world.



Take more photos


Finding different competitions can encourage you try out new areas of photography and techniques which you may have not thought to try before.


Once again that thrill of winning will drive you to take more photos.



Improve your skills


With all the feedback you get, you will start to see which areas and techniques you need to work on and will be able to practice those skills.


If you are not winning anything you will still be driven to improve your photography so that you might win something in the future.





In the next few posts I will run through how to find competitions worth entering, and how to choose which images to enter.



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