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Shooting split shots at the Daintree Blue Hole

As the covid-19 restrictions began to be lifted the Douglas Shire Council announced that the ferry across the Daintree River would be free until the end of June. So I asked a couple of friends if they wanted to check out the Daintree Blue Hole with me. Of course they agreed so we planned a day to go.

A couple of days later 5 of us crammed into the car, complete with a picnic lunch, wetsuits, masks and underwater cameras. Good job I have a decent size car. My partner had been wanting to try out split shots for a while, so I agreed to give him a lesson. It then dawned on me that it was also a great opportunity to get some behind the scenes footage.

About the Daintree Blue Hole

The blue hole is located 18km from the ferry crossing inside the Daintree National Park, on the way to Cape Tribulation. Turn left onto Turpenetine Road, just before Coopers Creek. After 850m you will see a gate. Park here and walk through the gate. Follow the drive way down to the creek, (about 400m) where you will find a path leading downstream to the blue hole.

This area is a sacred place for the local indigenous community of the Kuku Yalanji. Therefore you are asked to be respectful; do not damage the environment, do not leave rubbish, do not consume alcohol, and take only photographs.

“…this is the place for the women to come. When we sit down here in peace, we can feel our ancestors' spirit around us," Mrs Solomon said.
"We've still got connections to the rainforest, all of us, and our feeling comes from our hearts, not our head, and we treasure what our ancestors' spirit have left us here.”

A quote by Christine Solomon, wife of senior elder David Solomon of the Kuku Yalanji tribe, when she was interviewed by the ABC about protecting the Blue hole.

My Photos

I enjoyed shooting the split shots here as the water was perfectly clear and flat, making for an easy shooting environment. The most difficult part was staying still and the current was quite strong and in most places the water was too deep to stand.

Unfortunately there was not many fish in the water to compose into the shot, but there was plenty of fallen trees to provide an underwater subject. Above the water there was also a fallen tree making a bridge across one side of the blue hole. This became my main above water subject.


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