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Jan 102 min read
3 Reasons to shoot portrait
Whether above or below the water, many new photographers only take pictures in a horizontal orientation, which can be limiting

Jan 32 min read
What is Coral Bleaching?
With the water temperatures rising to 31 degrees on the surface this week, I decided it might be time to explain what coral bleaching is

Jan 31 min read
Marine Life of the Great Barrier - Parrotfish
Parrotfish get their name from their beak like teeth which they use to break large chunks out of coral.

Jun 12, 20202 min read
What are split shots?
As more cameras are being made with waterproof abilities, and more nature photographers are venturing into the water, the concept of split s

Feb 7, 20201 min read
Marine life of The Great Barrier Reef - Anemonefish
Anemone fish, or “nemos” as they are now often referred to, live in a symbiotic relationship with an anemone.
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